Tuesday 2 August 2016

Homeopathy can dissolve Anxiety

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Based on principles known and used since the time of Hippocrates in ancient Greece, homeopathy, as we know it, was instigated by a German doctor, Samuel Hahnemann (1755 -1843) and has since spread worldwide. It is a safe and effective form of natural medicine that offers a real alternative to those looking for a more natural approach to wellness and healing. Over the last two hundred years, homeopathy has proved itself to be a powerful, effective, holistic tool in treating the physical, mental and emotional symptoms of Anxiety.  
As a classically trained homeopath I recognise that symptoms of anxiety, such as panic attacks, digestive problems, sleep disturbance, muscle tension, compulsive behaviour, depression, are merely expressions of an underlying imbalance in the patient's energy. All the symptoms the patient presents with — physical, emotional, mental, even spiritual symptoms are seen as an expression of this imbalance. Rather than controlling or suppressing these symptoms, I treat them collectively with an appropriate remedy.
Homeopathic remedies are selected, and prescribed in minute doses to stimulate the patient's energies and thereby resolve the underlying imbalance. By treating symptoms in this manner, patients will experience a return to health that is gentle and without any of the possible complications or dangers of allopathic medical treatment.
Despite being used in many other countries homeopathy, as a profession, is still relatively new to Ireland. The study of homeopathy is arduous. Professional training takes a minimum of five years study followed by internship / supervision before the student can become a registered practitioner. To get the best quality homeopathic treatment, it is important to ensure that the practitioner is appropriately qualified as many medical practitioners in Ireland, both allopathic and alternative, use homeopathic remedies with their patients, without the rigour of such training.       
Case History (1)
Mary a single woman in her late fifties, presented for treatment as she was suffering with anxiety. Her symptoms included restlessness, depression, disturbed sleep, terrifying panic attacks and a great need for order and cleanliness. She had severe abdominal cramps accompanied with diarrhoea, her heart palpitated and her limbs felt weak and trembled. Her G.P. had prescribed medication to deal with her panic attacks and depression. She drank at least a half bottle of wine most nights to deal with her insomnia. She had given up her professional career 5 years ago to look after her husband who had suffered a stroke leaving him severely paralysed and unable to think coherently.
While Mary was preparing dinner one evening her husband attempted to get out of his bed in the next room. It resulted in a serious fall, and a broken hip. Mary felt overwhelmed and collapsed mentally, physically and emotionally. Her other symptoms started soon after.
I treated Mary with the remedy Arsenicum Album, a remedy often required by those experiencing intense anxiety, arising from a deep sense of insecurity and inability to adapt to life's changes. The treatment lasted six months, at the end of which Mary had come off all her conventional medication. Her abdominal cramps and diarrhoea disappeared; she slept well which resulted in high energy and a newfound zest for life. She was free of panic attacks; and drank wine only when out to dinner with friends and family. Instead of feeling depressed about life’s circumstances she makes the most of each day with her husband and is enthusiastic about what the future may hold for her.
            Case History (2) 
Harry 59 ran a plant hire business. He described himself as "very successful” Despite all the evident trappings of success, sun holidays twice a year, top of the range car, expensive clothes, jewellery and an exclusive address, he was deeply unhappy, anxious and suicidal. He got no pleasure from life and the only thing that had kept him from suicide was the deep sense of responsibility he felt for the wife and widowed mother he would leave behind. What would happen to them when he was gone?
He worked from age 16 years and had always been driven to succeed, to work hard and make a lot of money.  But having achieved all this he now found it meaningless as he did not have family to pass it on to. Suffering a minor stroke resulted in vascular surgery. He suffered from regular angina attacks, had elevated cholesterol levels and dangerously high blood pressure, Harry gave up hope of ever getting well and felt that a heart attack was looming. He told nobody of his condition. This was his responsibility alone. His illness made him feel unable to work to his full potential and he felt a failure. He was consumed with worry and guilt. Who would look after his many employees and his family?
I started Harry on daily doses of Aurum metallicum, (metallic gold). It has the ability to bring people out of deep, dark, hopeless, often suicidal depression. It also treats a wide range of serious heart disorders. Patients needing this remedy often experience life as an encumbrance and they alone must carry the burden.
During his treatment, Harry recognised that his depression stemmed back to the death of his young son and he went through and intense period of grief. Instead of grieving when he should have he threw himself into his work and buried all the pain of his loss. This newfound awareness instigated a process whereby Harry decided to take early retirement from his job, much to the delight of his wife. He felt life was on the up and up. His cardiologist was very pleased with a  check up some weeks later and reduced  his medication.

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