Wednesday 31 August 2016

Back to School Anxiety

The new school year is upon us and going back to school can be really upsetting for many children especially if they are starting at a new school, or beginning school for the first time. Their main concerns include how will I perform when asked a question, what if I make a mistake, how will my teacher react, will I make friends or be disappointed? Between facing new teachers, new friends, new classrooms, schedules and leaving fun filled summer days behind is it any wonder the transition can be upsetting. I have successfully treated children (and parents) when nerves are restless, senses heightened and emotions in turmoil. Homeopathy is safe, non toxic, non addictive, non invasive and helps children do and feels their best through all the mental, emotional and physical challenges of school. Let me share with you some self help information and homeopathic remedies that provide back-to-school support.

· Firstly let your child know that it is perfectly normal to feel worried about starting something new but once they give school a chance they will get used to it and feel better in no time at all.
· Younger children may find it difficult to articulate their worries, whilst older teenagers may just not consider it “cool” to communicate their worries. Just letting them know you are there to talk should they want to, is generally enough.
· Reflect back your observations “I can see you are feeling really nervous / anxious”; or for older kids: “I noticed you looked anxious when we were talking about school today….is there anything in particular you were worried about?”

Homeopathy provides effective remedies for back to school anxiety and they are also assist with other types of anxiety such as a trip to the dentist, or nerves before making a presentation, sitting an exam or test performance. Homeopathic medicines should be available in your local health shop, pharmacy or online. Read the descriptions for each remedy below and choose the one most appropriate for your child. Give the homeopathic medicine 3 times a day for up to 14 days. If symptoms disappear before the 14th day discontinue the remedy. If symptoms continue it would be advisable to seek the help of a qualified Homeopath who has a better knowledge of remedies, potencies and the frequency for repeating the remedy etc.

Aconite 30: Give this medicine to a child who is extremely fearful and restless. They cannot sit still and may actually have a scared expression. This is also the main acute Homeopathic medicines for panic style attacks with a beating heart, sensation of not being able to get enough air, and feeling faint.

Argentum Nitricum 30: Give this remedy to a child who suffers with anticipatory anxiety and feels very nervous. They are likely to have diarrhea and flatulence with their anxiety.

Arsenicum album30: Give this Homeopathic remedy if your child is very restless and insecure with their anxiety. They may show a degree of exhaustion but you know this tiredness has an emotional basis and is linked to anxiety.

Calc Phos 30: Give this remedy when your child is reluctant to go to school. They may have headaches and/or tummy aches that prevent them from going. They may deny there is anything wrong at school but they have the convenient ‘illness’ that allows them to stay at home.

Gelsemium 30: A great general anticipatory anxiety remedy for anxiety before an event such as a first day, exam, or performance. Child feels cowardly and weak. They feel the task ahead of them is too much. (If in doubt and your child’s anticipatory anxiety symptoms are hard to define, try Gelsemium first before other homeopathic medicines.)

Lycopodium 30: Give this medicine when your child is fearful that they will fail and look foolish or incompetent in front of others. They are likely to cover this anxiety up with an overly confident manner but they don’t feel confident. Often these types will ‘perform’ very well each time but still have the preceding anxiety.

Case of Child with Separation Anxiety
A 5 year old, boy, D had just started school. Within the first week he had difficulty sleeping at night. When he did fall asleep he awoke with night terrors and it would take two hours at least before he could fall back to sleep.

When getting ready for school D would complain of tummy ache or headache and insisted his mother travel on the school bus with him. If she refused to go with him he would throw a tantrum.

His teacher reported how D had to use the toilet very often has he complained of loose stools. She also observed him become anxious and breathless for no apparent reason. When she would enquire if all was o.k.? D would become restless and was unable to sit at his desk preferring to pace about the room.

While taking the case I learnt that D’s mother had been hospitalised for a minor procedure during the summer holidays. This event appeared to have traumatised D more than anyone realised.
I prescribed the Homeopathic remedy Arsenic album 200c. D visited me every four weeks for 6 months. On each follow up the same remedy picture and potency was indicated. On each visit D’s symptoms of anxiety lessened. There was a brief recurrence of anxiety a year later, but D’s coping skills were effective at dealing with the problem. Homeopathy made his anxiety attacks more manageable and shorter in duration until finally the anxiety disappeared completely. D’s self esteem strengthened and there was a positive outcome. The case reinforced for me the wondrous results that can be achieved with Homeopathy.

When children are upset and anxious it is easy for parents to worry also. They too can be helped with Homeopathy. Thankfully this starting school transition is usually short lived. A child’s ability to deal with the newness of school will give him/her tools to deal with bigger more demanding events in their lives. When a child has to deal with difficult situations it teaches them how to cope and grow into adults that can cope with adversity. Love and understanding is a prerequisite when helping an anxious child along with a correctly matched homeopathic remedy.

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