Sunday 17 April 2016

Seasonal affective disorder

Treating someone homeopathically with SAD means finding a remedy that matches the whole person. As a homeopathic practitioner I will identify personal symptoms, personalities, etc and match them to a remedy which will best stimulate the body’s own natural healing response.
To explain further, a patient with SAD symptoms who is normally relaxed, funny, enthusiastic and bubbly will need a different remedy than someone who is strong headed, serious, and industrious. There are many remedies for people who suffer from SAD including: 
Rhus-toxicodendrum – this is a remedy that has a main characteristic of all symptoms being aggravated by cold temperatures and wet, foggy weather, and ameliorated by warmth.

Aurum Metallicum – This remedy is metallic gold, associated with the sun – bright, shining, high in the sky, pure and warm. In wintertime, people who may benefit from this remedy may find themselves at the opposite end of this spectrum, feeling dark, sometimes deeply depressed, and as if they are unable to achieve the high expectations they have of themselves. This is a classic remedy for many of the symptoms associated with Seasonal Affective Disorder

Nux-vomica – People who can be helped constitutionally by Nux-v are chilly in general and aggravated by drafts or cold air blowing. They don’t mind wet weather, but do need to get warm, which helps them feel better. They are intense people, often workaholics, who are ambitious, competitive, fastidious, and like to be the boss

While you may recognise aspects of yourself in any of these remedies it is usually necessary to work with a homeopath to find the specific remedy that will truly make a difference to you.
Thank you very much Noirín for sharing this information with We Are Holistic. Although I’ve never been drawn to studying homeopathy professionally, I do have a fundamental interest in the concept of this therapy. And definitely one that takes the mind, body and spirit into account

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