Sunday 11 December 2016


What is Claustrophobia?

Claustrophobia is an anxiety disorder or situational phobia. It may come as a consequence of a traumatic past experiences or as a result of a present stressful or anxious situation.

A suffer has an irrational fear of being closed in with no escape.  The mind comes to associate confinement with danger. An enduring fear of defined situations develops e.g. a crowded elevator, a storage room with no windows, an aeroplane, a dark tunnel or cave, or any crowded location  People with Claustrophobia will try to avoid situations relating to their phobia as a panic attack may ensue thus affecting normal, daily functioning.   
The acute anxiety created by being in an enclosed environment can create feelings of suffocation, hyperventilation, sweating, shaking, dry mouth, rapid heartbeats, nausea, and tightness in the chest, an urge to use the toilet, and an increase in blood pressure. The sufferer may become confused and disorientated and fears death by being trapped or buried alive.

Case Taking - Marketing Manager with Claustrophobia

John a 40-year-old father of two called to see me at my clinic. My first impression of John was that he was pleasant, well mannered and energetic. His clothing, hair etc were immaculate. He was an accomplished marketing manager and had worked for a well known company for the past 18 years. Recently he was suffering with claustrophobia

Homeopath: Well John what brings you to my clinic?

John: Lately my work load has doubled and it means spending long hours in the confinement of my office working alone or meeting with prospective clients.

Homeopath: Go on

John: Well a month ago while meeting with clients, my heart started to race and my stomach began to churn. It felt as though the walls of the office were closing in on me. I felt I was losing control of the situation and had to get out of the office. I made the excuse of having to use the bathroom.

Homeopath: Not pleasant, go on

John: Since then my self-confidence has diminished, I get terrible surges of panic and want to run from my office building. I can get the same feeling when in crowded shops, public spaces, venues etc. I get anxious. I need to escape the situation / place I find myself in. If I don’t get out, get away I think I will suffocate or something.

Homeopath: Is this your first time to experience these symptoms?

John:  About 20 years ago I was sitting a college exam. There were perhaps a hundred more students sitting the exam too. I glanced around and thought everyone else was writing I couldn’t. I got a mental block or something, became lightheaded, started to perspire, my heart was racing, and the walls of the examination hall seemed to be closing in on me. I felt stupid and out of control. I had to leave the examination hall. Thankfully I was able to re-sit the exam at a later stage.

Homeopath:  Anything else?

John: Well it is having a terrible affect on my daily life. I dread going into the office, meeting clients in crowded restaurants or coffee shops. I get short with my two boys and I am not interested in or enjoy sex now. I know my wife sees a change in me, she doesn’t like it. I snap at her too when she suggests ways for me to wind down.

Homeopath: I can imagine, continue

John: A younger more academic manager has been taken on by the firm and I know I am competing with him. Silly perhaps but I need to be on top of my game, successful, achieve things. I always excelled in business, in everything. Yet now I feel overwhelmed and fearful least I screw up.

Homeopath: How are you feeling now?

John: Just thinking about it makes me tense; I feel my neck and back tightening. Its effecting my breathing (observation- breathing became shallow), my stomach feels tight and sick. I feel I am out of control.

Homeopath: Take a minute. Are you ok to continue?

John: Yes, Yes

Homeopath:  Can you tell me more about yourself

John: I am competitive and ambitious. My wife complains that I focus more on my work than I do on my family. As I said earlier I can become irritable and then angry. It has on occasion turned into outright rage when someone doesn’t work as they should. If they are too slow at producing what I am looking for I get infuriated. The other morning I broke the dishwasher door because it wouldn’t close for me.

Homeopath:  Anything else?

John: I find a few drinks always helps with work pressure; I frequently stop off for a drink on the way home from work. Smoking helps me get things clear in my head, helps me think. Coffee helps me stay awake and continue with my work late into the evening. Sex helps me sleep and relax.

 Homeopath: And how is your sleep?

John: I go to bead about 11.00 pm. My mind races thinking about work and the days events. I become anxious and can’t sleep. I dream of being in work and everybody laughing at me for messing up.  I wake in a panic, usually around 4am, but can back to sleep. When I wake again I feel worse, have a dull headache. I can have a sour taste in my mouth too.

Homeopath: Any physical complaints?

John: I suffer with a peptic ulcer and constipation. Lately I have developed a tender sensation around her (indicates liver area). I get headaches,  I get heartburn quite often too


John: My headaches are worse in the mornings or from any kind of mental work like having to solve a problem. I love spicy food but always feel ill after eating it. The same applies if I drink a lot of alcohol, tea or coffee. I love getting out of my suit, shirt and tie and putting on my sweat suit. I don’t like being restricted. I always feel better after a nap or in the evenings after work. 

Homeopath; How does the weather affect you?

John: I prefer damp wet weather to dry weather.

Physical Generals
Homeopath: Thirst? 

John: Normal, but I drink beer or soft drinks like Coke during the day rather than water.

Homeopath: How do heat /cold affect you?

John: I don't like heat but I like to be warm. I am a chilly person so hate the cold.

Homeopath Foods you like / dislike? 

John: I love any kind of hot spicy food, fresh white bread with loads of butter, barbecued spare ribs, steaks, tea, coffee, wine, beer. I have a sweet tooth so like sweets, chocolate, cakes, biscuits.

Homeopath:  In general whats going on for you?

John I feel tense and overworked. Don’t sleep well and think too much about my work. I can be impatient, irritable and angry. When it gets too much for me I feel suffocated, restricted, and have to escape.

Homeopathic Analysis

Up at 6 am, John jumps out of bed and is ready to go. He is extremely demanding of himself and his accomplishments. John is feeling out of control and fearful of messing up. He frequently competes with a younger manager and in doing so loses his confidence. He is consumed by thoughts of not being good enough at his job. John had his first panic attack at 18 years when he was sitting exams with other students. He became lightheaded, drenched in perspiration, his heart raced, and he had to get out of the room. This incident instilled in John a fear of looking stupid, out of control. The situation is repeating itself frequently in recent times especially when stressed and anxious. He wants to find an answer to the problem rather than resorting to antidepressants.

This case is pretty straight forward. I gave John Nux Vomica the classic homeopathic medicine for an overstressed, overworked, irritable, hard-driving, Type A character


Mind, Anger, ailments after anger, vexation, etc.
Mind, Impatience,
Mind, Ambitious
Mind, Anxiety, night, midnight, after
Head, Pain, morning, bed, in 
Mouth, Taste, bitter 
Stomach, Desires alcoholic drinks
Rectum, Constipation, difficult stool
Sleep, Dreams, business, of

Differentiation - remedies considered based on the repertorization were : Puls, Rhus Tox, Nux Vom,

Rhus Tox  has constant anxiety “ as if something is going to happen”. Johns anxiety is not constant. Rhus Toxs anxiety is experienced more inside the house/ office and ameliorated by walking in open air. This they have in common but again the Rhus Tox anxiety is different to Johns.  Rhus tox feels helpless and forsaken John anxiety is around appearing stupid and loosing control. I believe Rhus Tox to be milder, more timid, and more nervous than John. Rhus Tox has a constant physical restlessness. John can and does sit for hours at his desk until anxiety strikes when he may need to flee the room. Rhus Tox tends not to respond to situations. John on the other had becomes angry. I am of the opinion that John is more expressive, more explosive than Rhus Tox.

Puls is mild timid and tearful. John has angry outbursts. Puls can be yielding and submissive. John does not fit this picture. By contrast John is determined, competitive and firm. Puls is sympathetic. John does not treat people in this way. He gets irritated by people who don’t live up to his high standards. They both share a fear of narrow places and crowds. Puls can be manipulative; John is more direct in getting what he wants. John would be more responsible for his actions than Puls who places responsibility on others. I am of the opinion that John is too hotheaded, too forceful and more confident than Puls.

Nux Vom,  has a strong urge to achieve, to win to have things his own way. John is also very competitive and ambitious., They are ardent in whatever they do.  Both are fastidious, fault finding and reproach others. Both Nux Vomica and John can become irritable and impatient. Both crave stimulants coffee, alcohol, cigarettes. They both wake at night (around 4am) thinking of business matters. Both suffer with constipation and dislike restrictive tight clothing.  Both John and Nux Vom are chilly. I am of the opinion that Nux Vomica is the most likely remedy / simimilum for John

First follow-up: John visited with me 4 weeks later. He reported being less irritable and stressed. His episodes of claustrophobia have lessened. His sleep has improved too. However, He still gets dull headaches, constipation, and his ulcer still bothers him.
Dosage prescribed Nux Vomica 200c

Second Follow-up (4 weeks later): John’s anger is much more controllable now; He can talk to his family without getting short with them. His wife sees a great improvement. He has reduced his alcohol consumption and is eating healthier. He had only one claustrophobic episode which passed quicker than usual.
Dosage prescribed. Nux Vomica 200c

Third Follow-up (4 weeks later): John reported having no irritability and did not have any angry episodes with family or work colleagues. His headaches have disappeared. He now makes a point of going for a walk at lunch time rather than working through it. His interest in sex has returned. He still gets constipated, and his ulcer still bothers him. He did have a claustrophobic episode but it passed very quickly and he did not need to flee the room.
Dosage prescribed. Nux Vomica 200c

Fourth Follow-up (5 weeks later): John no longer feels threatened by the new manager and has offered to help him with any problems he may have. His constipation has improved and he did not have any claustrophobic episodes. His peptic ulcer is less troublesome
Dosage prescribed. Nux Vomica 200c

I didn’t see John again for six months. He didn’t feel a need to come see me since he was doing so well. The notion of losing control or appearing stupid rarely occurred to him. He felt like his old self and didn’t get wound up about meetings anymore. The sensation of suffocating/ the walls closing in on him had disappeared. Sex life, family life had also improved. His physical symptoms of headache, constipation, broken sleep were gone. He had less bother with his ulcer. He continues to check in with me yearly and he continues to do well.

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Crippled With Anxiety (Case Study)

This case gave me great encouragement as the outcome was truly remarkable. It was wonderful to see a young woman once crippled with anxiety turn her life around i.e. leave home, sit her exams, become financially secure,  enter into a loving relationship etc. It continues to be a positive experience for both of us each time we meet.

On 8, August, 2013 a 21 year old female came to my clinic for help with chronic Anxiety.

Case Taking
This 21 year old female was timid, reserved and childish with great anticipatory fear.  She had little or no confidence/self esteem.  She felt different to others her age. This created feelings of isolation and irritability when around others.

Homeopath: What can I do for you today?

Patient:  I always feel like an outsider. I am not a chatty person. I speak only when spoken to. People don’t understand me. They just don’t get me, get who I am. It makes me feel sad having to put on different faces. I don’t feel strong enough or have the confidence to be me. My mentality is “no I can’t”. It overwhelms me. I put up a wall, a block in my mind.  I cry at night. It takes hold of you. I want to go away, go away from life. The same feeling is always there just the situation changes. I don’t want to do what I don’t want to.

Homeopath: Tell me more

Patient: I am no good at anything, better if I am not here, useless, why bother. I am nervous, anxious, flustered. I lose inner control.

Homeopath: Go on

Patient: I feel like I am angry with myself for not being assertive and angry with others for not understanding me. I feel useless, not cut out for this life. But, I just have to go through with it.

Homeopath: What else can you tell me about yourself?

Patient: Well I get a sharp pain in my lower back and sides. It started in college, probably stress. It is terrible, sharp severe and persistent. The pain is worse at night. My periods were bad too, painful. They stopped for about a year when I was 18 . I lost weight.  My Mom had left home. There was a lot of toing and froing and nobody saying anything. The house was full of tension. I felt I was stuck in the middle of their conflict.

Homeopath: Go on

Patient: I was annoyed, frustrated, did not understand, confused. But, I went along with it and pretended all was normal. I was very angry as I was doing my Leaving Cert examination.

Homeopath: Can you tell me more ?

Patient: I get headaches, a dull pain that is worse in the morning. Heat would aggravate it. I like hot weather, you feel healthier. I hate the rain and wind. But it can be nice sometimes. You have a feeling that you do not have to go outdoors. On good days (weather wise) I feel I have to go out, go for walks. But I like having nothing to do, just nothing. That is not a good thing.

Homeopath: Tell me more

Patient: When I am stressed I stay up quite late. I do not want the next day to begin. When something has to be done like my driving test, last week, I start munching and leave all my preparation until late, last minute. It’s like self sabotage. I think I am not going to get it so why bother. I have a strange eating style. I don’t like to cook for myself. I don’t   feel worthy. But, I do like cooking meals for others. I give myself as little as possible. I am regimental breakfast, lunch, dinner at regular times. I break my food up into small pieces to make it appear like there is more. I would rather feed than be fed. I feel relieved when people say well done for cooking that nice meal. I enjoy eating meals together, shared.

Homeopath: Tell me more

Patient: Nothing works out, so why start it. It’s the same with everything, even work. I have no confidence, nervous, see the worst case scenario. I think why would people want to employ me? Let me pass an examination?  Want to be my friend? It’s because of the things I say. Things get to me. I think too much. I get scared, upset, and revert to “I am not good enough. I t has a hold on me and I can’t get past it. Then my mind freezes. I hate the feeling.

Homeopath: Go on

Patient: I worked for a few weeks in “ XXXX ”. I was nervous and afraid to put myself out there. I was in a different zone. Didn’t know what to do, my mind went blank, went on auto pilot – functioning but not thinking. The lights were on but nobody was home. I was all limbs. 

Homeopath: Anything else of interest?

Patient:  Well like I said I eat when I am bothered to. I am a vegetarian since secondary school when I had to watch a film about battery hens. I remember for the project being shoved into a group and feeling a real outsider. I did not feel very good. My stomach went a bit. I t was disgusting.

Homeopath: Dreams, Lets discuss dreams

Patient: None really, my dreams tend to be an exaggerated version of daily life for me. Scary and glad when they are over. No more to tell about them really.

Homeopath: Do you have a favorite book, film?

Patient: Yes there is a book Perfume. It was originally written in German and set in 18th century France. It’s very oppressive. It’s about a young boy growing up in an orphanage. He has a hard life involving child labour. It’s about his experiences and how they molded him. 

Homeopath: Anything else?

Patient: I would like to be more ambitious, do better for myself and push myself especially when dealing with people. Get rid of this scary daze. I know I need an attachment. I like to be told what to do and when and where to do it. When I am not told what to do I go blank, become uneasy, anxious. I hate having any responsibility. I don’t know what I am doing. I regress back to a childhood state (hugs herself)

Homeopath: Tell me about your childhood?

Patient: I thought I had freedom, but, my parents did control certain areas of my life.  They restricted me financially.

Homeopath: Anything else

Patient: My ideal world would be where things are done for me. I know I have to take a leap do things for myself but, I am so fearful. Maybe I will start by finding a hobby, something I would like to do

Homeopath: Lets discuss Modalities - Physical - Generals

Homeopath: Thirst? 

Patient: I drink a lot of water

Homeopath How does  heat /cold affect you?

Patient I don't like heat but I like to be warm. I really feel worse for being cold and have to wrap up my hands, feet and head when going out in cold weather.

Homeopath Foods you like / dislike? 

Patient: I like eggs, fresh bread, frozen yogurt, ice cream, vegetables, salads as I am vegetarian. I dislike meat, chicken I can eat a little fish if I don't see it being prepared.

Homeopath Physical ailments

Patient I get very bad headaches / migraine The bursting pain starts at the back of my head and moves to my forehead. My period is irregular and very painful. My hearing is impaired as a result of an ear infection when I was 4 years old. I get aching pain at lower end of my spine when standing for a long period of time.

Homeopath  Lets discuss Generals 

Patient: When I am unwell I generally feel better wrapped up in my warm bed especially when I suffer with migraine or period pains . The cold and wet makes my symptoms feel worse.

Homeopathic Analysis

22 year old, petite, female with low self esteem. She feels like an outsider, different to others.   This young woman withdraws from situations she cannot cope with. Her upbringing was oppressive, restrictive and controlled. I am of the opinion she is unable to mature and move into the real world preferring to give her control to her parents and others. When she is faced with responsibility she becomes overwhelmed, panics and her mind goes blank. The adult world appears a very daunting place for this young woman.

I thought she may be suicidal as she says I don’t want to be here. Yet it was expressed in a very passive manner. I am of the opinion suicide is more aggressive “I want to kill myself. Initially the young woman told me quite spontaneously about her feelings including feeling like an outsider, puts on different faces, want to go away from life, no good at anything, angry with self and so on. While this information forms a good basis for the case and understanding where she is coming from there will no doubt be more to unravel.  As always, with the first interview, I like to let my new patient settle in to the homeopathic process.  At the follow up I intend to ask more probing questions that will indicate how she responds to her life’s circumstances. What she was like as a child? What affected her most strongly etc. I need to deepen my understanding of the case.


MIND, CHILDISH, behavior,
MIND, CONFIDENCE, want of self- confidence
MIND, YIELDING, disposition
MIND, THOUGHTS, vanishing of

Differentiation - remedies considered based on the repertorization were

Natrum Muriaticum, Desire for solitude, Builds wall around her. Natrium Muriaticum is more passive than patient. While patient is introverted it is for a different reason than Natrium Muriaticum who hordes insults and hurts until they fester and then seek revenge. I do not see this in the patient as she wants to extricate herself from these feelings, deal with them , move on..
Barc C ,  Inertia, apathy. Conflict between security and exposure. Antagonism with self. Aversion to company but dreads being alone. Full of cares and worries. Much anger with self and others. Dislikes responsibility.  May behave in childish manner.  Patient exhibits an emotional fragility that is not seen in Barc C. Barc C and  patient can form dependent relationships ( I know I need an attachment. I like to be told what to do and when and where to do it). In relationships patient would be more the caretaker than Barc C.   Barc C is more confused about their feelings than patient who appears timid but inside she knows exactly how she feels .
Pulsatilla has many fears, is timid, forsaken and finds it difficult to assert her independence. Yet patient is more obstinate than the milder Pulsatilla. Pulsatilla is more flexible than the rigid patient. Pulsatilla craves consolation whereas patient likes to be alone. Pulsatilla is more charming and fun loving than patient. I am of the opinion that Pulsatilla while very similar to patient is too soft a remedy
Silica,  Covers most of the presenting symptoms.  Refined, shy, timid yet can be stubborn   ( I don't want to do what I don't want to do),  Suffers with anticipatory anxiety and agitation (before exams, tests, meeting people), easily embarrassed (when reprimanded) . Lacks stamina if overburdened and tires easily form overexertion. Lacks confidence, tired of life. Sensitive and better for routine. Underestimates her capabilities with fear of new situations. Lack of emotional independence. Headache if overheated pressing out in forehead as if it may split.

I communicated instructions for taking remedies and the homeopathic treatment plan with the patient. I also recorded it in the patient file. 1 x Silica 200C potency (pill) was taken. The pill was placed under the tongue and allowed to dissolve. Based on the patient’s sensitivity, low vitality and mental / emotional delicacy I decided to use 200c. We will review matters and possibly adjust potency in another 4 weeks time. Should the patients’ symptoms worsen she is to call me.
The first dose the patient took was on August 9, 2013.

Follow update September 6, 2013

Patient: After I took the remedy I immediately felt better. My mind was less anxious, more relaxed. My headaches have improved. I sat exams a week after taking the remedy and while it was not a good experience I felt more confident than I have ever been sitting exams. I am now aware of my anxiety like when something is about to change or something unexpected happens. I still feel very different to others shy, quite, reserved but, it doesn’t bother me as much now. That too has improved. I know I dwell on things too much but it’s not as bad now as I am more positive. I push myself to go out and do more things. I have taken up Salsa dancing. My sister is leaving home to go to college. I am worried about that as I will be sad, alone again. It’s another change but I will be able to deal with it better than before. I am not as scared.
I had a confrontation with a manager in the shop I work in at weekends. I became anxious a he would not listen to my point of view. I became quite and went into myself. I wanted to flee, hoped it would go away (observation, she shudders, puts her hands to her face). I got all apologetic, felt awful terror, and took it all to heart. I am a coward I should have challenged him. I don’t like confrontation. Yet even though I had this familiar experience I felt stronger than ever before.

Homeopath: After hearing the patient my evaluation is that Silica supported patient greatly. Her anxiety has dropped, her thinking is more positive. The physical symptoms (headaches) have as expected, improved, the patients constitution has strengthened indicating the strong action of the remedy. It was a straight forward follow up that signified repeating Silica 200c with confidence.

Follow up October, 4 2014

Patient:  I had an unmerciful argument with my father last week. That in itself is a good thing. I was never able to confront before always deflected and took the blame. Of course this added to my anxiety. It was always so hard to stand up for myself, put my point of view across. I never liked confrontation. There was no point to it as I did not have the tools to speak up. Yet for the first time I defended myself I was going to be appreciated and I asked my father to assist me financially while at college. He was taken aback, so was I with my outburst but I left the room with a smile on my face. I have come to the realization the “real world” is difficult, demanding and at times I will become upset but I must learn how to cope with it all.
Oh and I have met a really nice guy at college. He has asked me out a few times. He is rather like me shy, reserved, introverted but we get on very well. I feel happier, more optimistic and in control of my life than I have ever been.

Homeopath:  The remedy picture remains the same and patient continuous to improve on all levels. I feel that the remedy should be continued as its action is still in progress.  Follow up was scheduled for 4 weeks time.

Follow up November 1, 2014

Patient:  I am doing fine and am much more comfortable with things, especially work – I just started waitressing in a restaurant at weekends and holidays. I am earning good money; people in the restaurant are really nice. They tell me I am good at my job as I am nice and polite to all. I did get a bad headache but it was not caused by anxiety it was really busy in the restaurant and the noise was unbearable. All the staff had headaches that night. I am eating well and taking regular exercise. My only concern now is about the future and getting a job after college. I speak up for myself now. I don’t get as fearful or suffer from anticipatory anxiety to the same degree. It’s still there but much more manageable. I am more accepting of any given situations I find myself in. I relax into it a bit more. I sleep well as I am physically tired now from working hard. I could not cook for myself before but now I can. I need to as I am away from home. I am earning money and can buy nice things now.  I have become more independent and go places in my new (second hand) car.  I don’t get bogged down with my parents and others peoples troubles anymore. I feel very, very happy.

Homeopath:  Based on the patient’s description of events I feel that the patient is making wonderful progress. She is in a better position to manage her life. I feel we are nearing the end of treatment but not quite there yet. Therefore I will repeat Silica 200c until its effect is exhausted and schedule a follow up for 4 weeks times. I also instructed the patient to continue her new exercise regime and eat healthy.

Saturday 15 October 2016

Social Anxiety Disorder

Social Anxiety Disorder

It is perfectly natural to feel fluttering in the stomach or a thumping heart when giving a presentation in front of others, doing an interview or being observed while demonstrating a specialised skill. Most people adapt in such situations and will eventually relax and become unconcerned with the process. Yet, for others the anxiety they experience is so intense it causes them to become self-consciousness and embarrassed. They may have difficulty breathing, start to sweat, blush, tremble or shake and feel nauseas. They may experience muscle tension and diarrhoea, their voice may become shaky and their hands cold and clammy, they cannot make eye contact or having a normal conversation with others in public.   

Social Anxiety Disorder can wreak havoc and disrupt daily life for suffers. This disorder is not simply shyness. It is an extreme fear of being scrutinized and judged by others in a social or performance situation.  A sufferer may avoid communication with the public as they are unwilling to draw attention towards themselves.  It can manifest in early childhood / teenage years  as a generalized social phobia around people other than their own family. It can also materialise when one has to speak, eat/drink in public and when one is being observed or introduced to others. Socially anxious people stay withdrawn as they dread making mistakes and being degraded in front of others. This thought process in turn affects their social skills, education, work and relationships.  People with this disorder may have few or no social or romantic relationships, making them feel powerless, alone, or even ashamed.

Social anxiety is not very well understood and can be misdiagnosed for Psychological disorders such as Manic Depression or Schizophrenia. When you have Social Anxiety Disorder, your anxiety or fear is out of proportion to the situation. You then start to worry about the symptoms of the disorder and avoid situations that may trigger them for example interacting with strangers, avoiding situations in which you may be judged, avoiding situations where you might embarrass or humiliate yourself or become the centre of attention, avoiding activities such as hobbies, school projects, etc. This creates a vicious cycle that can make symptoms worse.

Social Anxiety Disorder symptoms can change over time. They may flare up if you're facing a lot of stress or demands. Or, if you completely avoid situations that would usually make you anxious, you may not have symptoms. Avoidance may allow you to feel better in the short term but disregarding it will make your symptoms persist over the long term. Homeopathy will help you recover from Social Anxiety Disorder, lessen anxiety, help you stay calm, secure, sanguine, live a more productive life and make your world a more enjoyable place.

Treating  Social Anxiety  Disorder Symptoms with Homeopathy

Many people have experienced a tremendous amount of relief from their Social Anxiety Disorder thanks to homeopathy. This disorder affects your whole being. It can create a physical, behavioral and psychological reaction all at the same time.   Homeopathy takes a holistic approach to health and treats the whole person and recognises that all responses on these levels are important in the healing process. 

Far from a “one-pill-fits-all” course of treatment, homeopathy is highly individualised taking into account each person’s own unique experience of the disorder i.e. when the disorder started,  how it impacts on your life, stresses, triggers and how you cope with it. A homeopathic remedy is then prescribed specifically to your needs.  Homeopathic remedies offer a non toxic, non addictive and non-invasive system of medicine for people of all ages.  They can be used safely alongside conventional medicine.

Listed hereunder are Homeopathic remedies to help with Social Anxiety Disorder: 

Aconite - I would rank Aconite as one of the top homeopathic remedies for Social Anxiety Disorder. The key symptom of Aconite to be used as a homeopathic remedy for Social Anxiety Disorder is the ‘suddenness of symptoms’. Anxiety or distress will come very suddenly and without any warning. Feeling of impending doom Aconite can be used in low potencies e.g. 30c every few minutes in treating acute anxiety attacks.

Arsenicum Album - One of the first medicines that I think of when I see someone with all the symp­toms of Social Anxiety Disorder with depression, partic­ularly when there are gastric symptoms of indigestion and diarrhoea, combined with panic. Somebody doing well with Arsenicum will probably be neat, tidy but restless. They may look anxious and drawn.
Arsenicum Fear is a prominent symptom, causing apprehension and dread, with an over­whelming feeling that everything will go wrong. These can be patients that I have to try very hard to reassure and I will often use a 30c dose, three to four times a day, with Aconite 30c taken as needed if they are having additional panic attacks.

Argentum Nitricum -  Argentum Nitricum actually leads the list of homeopathic remedies for disorders that are chronic. It is more suited to people who are in a constant state of anxiety. It differs from Aconite which is used when the attacks of anxiety are sudden in nature and are violent. In Argentum patients the anxiety is not violent but is constant. The patient that requires Argentum lives in a world full of fear, irrational impulses and a forsaken feeling. The thought of meeting a new person gives palpitations, trembling, a cramping pain in the abdomen and at times a strong urge to pass stool. Argentum patients avoid crowded places, parties etc. This remedy is suggested when there is marked anxiety before a big event like an interview, public speech or social gathering. These patients have a strong craving for sweets, salty and strong flavoured foods.

Ambra Grisea - This is an unbeatable remedy for melodramatic, timid people who get hysterically numb with Agoraphobia, they dread people, desire to be alone, and are unable to do anything in the presence of others. They are unable to express themselves, and must make tremendous effort to keep any conversation going. They are very self-conscious about what others will think about them regarding their personal habits and work. These patients are weakened by age or overwork, are anaemic and sleepless.

Baryta Carbonicum: This remedy is suggested to individuals who lack confidence, are bashful, confused, have no friends, fear strangers and grieve over trifles. They have mental weakness and are under-sensitive to pain. They are dependant in their relationships and are easily suppressed. They stay aloof, inhibited and fantasize that everyone is laughing at them.

Gelsemium: This remedy is recommended for coward, timid persons who have ailments from stage fright, fear of falling, fear of crowds and exciting news. With fear, they feel almost paralyzed, start trembling with muscular twitching, become sluggish, dizzy and desire to be quiet and left alone. Their face gets red, hot with fear and they start stammering preceding any event such as a public performance, an interview, a test, impending visit to the dentist, etc.

Natrum Muriaticum - The primary characteristic underlying Natrum Muriaticum is introversion arising out of a feeling of great vulnerability to emotional injury. Natrum mur. patients are emotionally very sensitive and feel that any form of rejection, ridicule, humiliation or grief would be personally intolerable. Consequently, they create a wall of invulnerability, become enclosed in their own worlds, and prefer to maintain control over their circumstances. They avoid being hurt at all costs.

Ignatia -  is the closest of all remedies to Natrum mur. In many respects, they are virtually identical. For this reason, they often replace one another in particular cases. Generally, Ignatia acts more superficially and is more likely to be indicated in cases where patients' reactions are more superficial. This remedy is indicated for emotionally sensitive patients who become nonverbal after a traumatic event. These patients have a marked hyperesthesia of all senses with disturbed coordination. These patients are alert, apprehensive, hysterically sensitive, easily excited, quick to perceive and close themselves off. They brood silently with mood swings and reject company with no communication at all.